- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 3
- Parking Lot
- Capacity: 4 Person
Ubu Villa Kinanthi Redwood, tempat kamu bisa ngerasain vibes kehidupan ala Norwegia-Swedia. Cat merah iconicnya jadi simbol kekayaan dan status sosial, membuat suasana pedesaan jadi cozy dan penuh nostalgia. Dengan dua kamar tidur yang nyaman dan dekorasi khas Norway-Swedia, kamu akan sangat betah. Ada sungai kecil yang mengalir di halaman, membuat suasana semakin rileks!
Step into Ubu Villa Kinanthi Redwood, where the charm of Norway-Swedish life awaits. Its iconic red house—a symbol of wealth and status—offers a cozy, nostalgic countryside feel. With two comfy bedrooms and authentic Norway-Swedish décor, you'll be immersed in the serene ambience. A gentle river flows through the yard, adding an extra layer of relaxation to your stay